Thursday, April 26, 2007

Training and Development

This Topic has been tested by the examiner last round (December 2006)in question 4. Chances of the same question and topic to expect in June 2007,is a very,very slim..nonetheless, candidates should have the relevant knowledge.
In the issue of Training strategy, some of the advantanges to both (i) organisation , and (ii) individual, might be:
In the context of
  • Organisation:-

-Increased skills, knowledge and competence for enhanced job performance; higher productivity ; and greater efficiency.

-Better health and safety ; fewer accidents with asscociated costs.

-Greater awareness of quality issues and harnessing of employee ideas for improvement, for competitive advantage.

-Continuous improvement of skills base, which helps the organisation compete and adapt future requirements.

-Enhanced 'employer brand' to attract quality labour.

-Long term, a more cost-effective method of acquiring necessary competencies than through recruitment.

-Foundation for a culture of continuous improvement: learning organisation.

  • and in the context of (ii) Individual

-Opportunities for job enlargement(variety) or enrichment(empowerment); more responsibility.

-Opportunities for promotion or career development.

-Opportunities for increased performance-related rewards.

-Opportunities to extend own interest; abilities and social contacts.

-Security and self esteem: perception that organisation values and invests in people.

-"Knock-on" effects of training need analysis and programmes: improved work methods, new technology, and of course team working.

-Opportunites to contribute at a more meaningful level to organisational objectives: job satisfaction.

Other issues that you might consider within this syllabus is able to Distinguish between both training and development where:

* Development refers to the growth or realisation of a persons' ability and potential through the provision of learning and educational experience.

* Training is the planned and systematic behaviour through learning events, programmes which enable individuals achieve the level of knowledge.

Overall purpose of employee and management development is

a) To ensure firms meets current and future performance by;

b)Continuous improvements of performance individual and teams to;

c)Maximising people potential for growth.

e.g of development activities includes; Training both on&off job, career planning, Job rotation, Appraisal, education and guidance.

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